Spinn Coffee

Spinn Coffee

by Spinn, Inc.
With Spinn Coffee Skill for Alexa, you can interact with your Spinn Coffee Maker using just your voice. Ask it to make one of the default recipes or your custom recipe assigned to one of the four slots.

To get started you need to link your Spinn account to the Spinn Coffee Maker you want to control using Spinn mobile app, tap "Enable Skill" in the Alexa app, and sign in with Spinn account you've linked you Spinn Coffee Maker to. The Spinn Coffee Maker you've linked to will be automatically linked.

To get everything you might need visit our website.
Spinn mobile app:
- https://www.spinn.com/app
Spinn Coffee Maker:
- https://www.spinn.com/coffee-maker