Natal Charts

Natal Charts

by Aygul
Returns a Natal Chart (or any Planet/House sign) based on birth data, for you to work with it.
Gives a short interpretation of the chart.
Placidus house system used.

You will be asked for the date, and if required, time and place of birth.
Chart includes The Sun, The Moon, the other planets, Chiron, Lilith, Ascendant and all houses (in case the time and place of birth is given), in Placidus.

Example conversation:

you: ask Natal Charts for my Venus sign

Natal Charts: Hi! You can ask for a Moon sign. Pluto sign. Or any planet sign. Or to read the full chart.

you: Full chart

Natal Charts: What's your date of birth?

you: November 20th, 1985.

Natal Charts: [The chart is displayed on the screen.] Venus in Scorpio is associated with Scorpio signs and characteristics. People with Venus in Scorpio are passionate, sensual, and intensely passionate about love and relationships. They are also often secretive and may have a complicated and challenging pattern of relationships.

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