Lyfe Trak

Lyfe Trak

by seagie
Lyfe Trak helps you easily track progress towards your life goals! Just tell Lyfe Trak how you’re doing, and it will take care of the rest. Ask how you’re doing on a specific metric or overall for extra motivation, and ask for help to learn about other useful features.

Start by setting up metrics for reading, working out, or anything else you’re interested in tracking. If you don’t know what to track, Lyfe Trak can offer you suggestions for new metrics or goal setting tips. Once you’ve set up a metric, you can then add or check progress at any time using your Echo device or Amazon app on the go:

* Add progress for your metric indicating you’ve done it or for how long you did it. (i.e. “Alexa, tell Lyfe Trak I read today for 30 minutes")
* Check progress to see how many times or for how long you’ve made progress in a time range you specify. (i.e. "check progress on reading in the last week”)
* Say “how am I doing” for an update on how many times you’ve logged progress overall and compared to other users.

Lyfe Trak can also tell you what metrics you are currently tracking and help you delete a metric. You can always ask for help if you get stuck, and if you'd like, Alexa can remind you to add progress to Lyfe Trak.

All feedback is welcome ( and will help to improve this skill so you can spend less energy tracking and more time making progress. Happy tracking!