

by Peace Through Understanding
The 'Holy Quran' lets you listen to any Chapter (Surah), Verse (Ayah) or Part (Juz') of the Qur'an in English or Arabic. For Arabic, just add the phrase "in Arabic" at the and of your request, e.g. "Play Surah 3, verse 7 in Arabic"

Ask about the prayer (Salat) times, or ask when the next prayer or a specific prayer is*. You can now also get reminded when it is time to pray.**
Additionally you can hear the Azan (call to prayer).

To open 'Holy Quran' or to see what the app can do, you may say "Open Holy Quran" or "Ask Holy Quran what are my options?"

To play a specific passage of the Holy Qur'an you can say things like:
• "(Open Holy Quran to) Play part 10" to play Juz' number 10
• "(Open Holy Quran to) Play chapter 39, verse 53 in Arabic"
• "(Open Holy Quran to) Play chapter 4"

You can say "Alexa, continue" to continue the Holy Quran recitation at a later time.

Here are some additional phrases you might like to try...

• "Ask Holy Quran to enable prayer notifications"
• "Ask Holy Quran and play the Azan" to play the call to prayer
• "Ask Holy Quran when is Fajr?"
• "Ask Holy Quran for the prayer times?" to hear all five of the local Salah times

(Or when the app is already invoked, just say things like “play Juz 1 in Arabic”, “when in Maghreb”, or “what are the prayer times”, etc.)

*For your local prayer times the Skill requires access to your postal code
**To enable prayer notifications you need to grant the Skill access your postal code and allow it to set reminders. To disable prayer reminders, just say "disable prayer notifications"

[Please note that Alexa currently only allows voice notifications as prayer reminders and not yet automatic Azan playback]

For questions you may contact us on EnglishQuran.com